Building Name

Free Library, Woodlands Road, Colwyn Bay

1902 - 1905
Woodlands Road
Colwyn Bay
Clwyd, Wales
Colwyn Bay Free Library Committee
New Build
Robert Evans and Sons, Old Colwyn.

The Free Library was erected as a memorial of the Coronation of King Edward VII. (August 9th, 1902). The movement was inaugurated at a town's meeting held 11 April 1902 and the cost of the land and building was defrayed by public subscriptions, assisted by the generosity of Andrew Carnegie, who contributed £ 3,000.

In response to the invitation to the committee, nine architects sent in thirteen competitive plans (although no prizes were offered) as follows: Booth, Chadwick & Porter, 2; Fred. R. Hawxby, 1; D. M. Roberts, 2; W. J. Dunning, 1; A. Hulse, 1; Henry Goldsmith, 3; W. Redfern Evans, 2; J. Hughes, 1. Out of these thirteen the Sub-Committee had selected three - those of D. M. Roberts, H. Goldsmith, and Booth, Chadwick and Porter. The estimates were - D. M. Roberts, £2500, 2.5 per cent. commission; H. Goldsmith, £3000, 5 per cent. commission, £50 donation Booth, Chadwick & Porter, £2584, 5 per cent. commission, £25 donation. Finally, by eight votes to seven, the plans of Booth, Chadwick and Porter were accepted. Tenders were invited in April 1903 but were all in excess of the estimate. Matters were further complicated by the dissolution of the partnership of Booth Chadwick and Booth. In May 1903 J M Porter (subsequently J M Porter and Hunter) was nominated to complete the work on behalf of the committee. Tenders for an amended scheme were sought in November. The site on Woodlands Road had been offered to the committee by J M Porter for £1200 and in February 1904 it was announced that the deeds of conveyance, transferring the Free Library site from Mr J. M. Porter to the six trustees have been signed. By April 1905 the new library was all but complete, the official opening taking place on Easter Monday, 24 April 1905.

SELECTED DESIGN FOR THE FREE LIBRARY, COLWYN BAY. We have pleasure in reproducing for our readers the selected design for the new building- proposed to be erected in Woodland Road. The plans show on the ground floor a Public Reading Room, 36 feet long and 20 feet wide, with two bays approached through a vestibule and entrance hall, also a Lending Library with counter, etc. A Committee Room or Ladies' Room and a small room for use as a Reading and Reference Library. On the First Floor there is a large Lecture Room capable of subdivision also a Caretaker's residence. The architects are Messrs. Booth, Chadwick, and Porter, of Manchester and Colwyn Bay. [Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 16 January 1903 page 10 with illustration]

CORONATION FREE LIBRARY, COLWYN BAY. BUILDERS desirous of tendering for the erection and completion of the above building in accordance with plans, specifications, and bill of quantities are requested to apply to the Architects, BOOTH, CHADWICK & PORTER, STATION ROAD, COLWYN BAY, on or before Saturday, the 4th day of April next. [The Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 27 March 1903 page 4, ] Welsh Coast Pioneer 27 March 1903 page 9, 3 April 1903 page 9]

FREE LIBRARY, COLWYN BAY. THE Committee invite TENDERS from competent builders for the erection of the above in accordance with the amended plans and specifications. Quantities may be obtained and plans, etc., seen at the office of the undersigned. Sealed tenders to be delivered at this address on or before the 2nd day of January, 1904. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. J. M. PORTER, F.S.I., Municipal Buildings, Colwyn Bay. [Weekly News 11 December 1903 page 4, Welsh Coast Pioneer 11 December 1903 page 1]

DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDINGS. The buildings are designed in a simple yet attractive manner, are eminently suitable for the site they occupy, and lend an air of importance to the approach from the town to Woodland Road. The principal entrance is from Woodland Road, and the ladies' entrance, which also give access to the caretaker's house, is from the side road. Inside the entrance doors is a spacious vestibule with swing doors opening into a large and well-lighted entrance hall, from which rises the main staircase to the upper floor. Opening off the hall are the Lending Library and Newsroom, the former with a suitable space for borrowers. On the end wall of borrowers' space, to which the side entrance also gives access, are the doors to Ladies' and Librarian's. Rooms these are commodious, comfortable and well-lighted apartments. There is suitable lavatory accommodation provided for both sexes on this floor. On the first floor are placed the Reference Library and Magazine Room, approached by way of the main staircase and upper hall. On this floor is also provided lavatory accommodation. The Caretaker's apartments are on this level, access being obtained to them by small staircase rising from near the side entrance bedrooms and bath-room are situated on the top floor. In the basement are placed the heating chamber, coal cellar, etc. The external fronts are faced with red Ruabon press bricks, and the dressings are in tooled Gwespyr freestone. The roofs are covered with blue Welsh slates of superior quality. The ground floors are of concrete, finished with wood block tiling and mosaic as required. The first floors are constructed of steel and “Fram” slabs finished with wood boards. The windows are filled in with wood frames and iron casements, and glazed with leaded lights and plate glass as required. The internal walls and ceilings are finished in plaster, the walls being painted three coats of “duresco.” The plumbing and drainage are carried out in the most approved and sanitary manner, and an abundant water supply is obtained from the town's main. The premises are heated throughout (with the exception of Librarian's and Ladies' rooms and Caretaker's apartments) with pipes and radiators worked from a boiler in the basement on the low-pressure hot-water system. The whole of the buildings are lighted by electricity, the supply being obtained from the town's main, The whole of the furniture (designed by the architects) is made in mahogany, and is particularly good in design and workmanship. The contractors for the buildings and furniture were Messrs Robert Evans and Sons, Old Colwyn. The special contracts were carried out as follows leaded lights, Mr A. R. Stephenson, Lancaster; steel work, Messrs Edward Wood, and Co., Manchester; “Fram” flooring, the Fram Fire-proof Flooring Co., Manchester; floor tiling and mosaic, the Lancashire and Cheshire Tile Co., Manchester, wood block flooring, Messrs E. B. Burgess, and Co., Liverpool metal casements and door furniture, Messrs A. Brown and Co., Birmingham electric lighting and fittings, Mr Bertram Thomas, Manchester, iron entrance gates and balustrading for staircase; Messrs Greenfield, Colwyn Bay. The whole of the work was carried out under the personal super- vision of the architects, Messrs J. M. Porter and Hunter, Colwyn Bay. [The Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 14 April 1905 page 10]

COLWYN BAY'S CORONATION MEMORIAL. On Monday the handsome new free, library at Colwyn, Bay, erected as a memorial of Coronation year, was formally opened in the presence of a large, assembly. The library, which is centrally situated in Woodland-road, was designed by Messrs Porter and Hunter, Colwyn Bay, and, erected, by Messrs Robert Evans and Sons, Old Colwyn. It cost £5,000, towards which Mr Carnegie contributed £3,000. Mrs Parry, wife of the Rev. Thomas Parry, opened the principal door with a gold key, presented by the architects, and the speakers included Mr T. Herbert, Roberts, M.P. [Llandudno Advertiser 29 April 1905 page 2]

Reference        Weekly Mail 19 July 1902 page 4
Reference        Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald 19 December 1902 page 5 competition result
Reference        Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 16 January 1903 page 10 with illustration – selected design
Reference        Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 27 March 1903 page 4.] Welsh Coast Pioneer 27 March 1903 page 9, 3 April 1903 page 9 -tenders
Reference        Welsh Coast Pioneer 22 May 1903 page 3 – appointment of J M Porter
Reference        Weekly News for Colwyn Bay, 11 December 1903 page 4, Welsh Coast Pioneer 11 December 1903 page 1- tenders
Reference        Builder 16 January 1904 Page 71 (Tenders)
Reference        British Architect 22 January 1904 Page ix (Tenders)
Reference        Welsh Coast Pioneer 12 February 1904 page 11 – transfer of site
Reference        The Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 14 April 1905 page 10 - details of opening ceremony
Reference        The Welsh Coast Pioneer 14 April 1905 page 2 – similar report
Reference        Llandudno Advertiser 29 April 1905 page 2 opening
Reference        Welsh Coast Pioneer (Abergele Edition) 28 April 1905 page 6-7 – opening
Reference        Weekly News for Colwyn Bay 28 April 1905 page 12 – opening extensive report of proceedings