Building Name

"Greenmoor” Carlisle Road. Buxton

1897 - 1900
Carlisle Road
Derbyshire, England
New Build

"Greenmoor," in Buxton shows an attempt to solve a problem often to be faced by architects, and hence of real importance; namely, how to secure on the upper floors of a house more accommodation than easily results from carrying up the walls from the ground floor.   "Greenmoor" stands completely isolated from any other building; this made it difficult to contrive the seven good bedrooms without giving the house a "top-heavy" appearance, or making it too tall for its isolated position. Very often houses which might be charming grouped along a street seem out of proportion in a country lane or in a suburban garden; and frequently this results from the fact that the question of a more extended area on the upper floor has not been given proper consideration. To let the upper stories overhang the lower perhaps becomes legitimate in such cases, and to plan the roof in such a way as to give much bedroom space in it is essential, especially where the ground space is limited. [The Craftsman January 1911 page 378]

Reference    The Craftsman (New York) Volume  January 1911 pages 378-38; Barry Parker: Modern Country Homes In England: Number Nine.