Proposed Royal Lakes Hotel, Waterhead, Ambleside
A speculative scheme, abandonned when the application for a provisional licence was refused.
PROPOSED HOTEL AT WATERHEAD, AMBLESIDE - Mr. Warton appearing for Mr. Clegg, architect, Manchester, applied for a provisional licence to be granted to a new hotel, proposed to be elected at Waterhead, Ambleside. …… If the plans were passed the building would be proceeded with at once. It would cost between £20,000 and £30,000. The dining room would be 70 feet by 46 feet, and the floor would be so laid that it could be used for dancing purposes, which be understood was required, there being no suitable room for a large ball in the district. … Mr. Chas. Theodore Clegg. deposed that he had purchased the land provisionally for the purpose of building an hotel, The cost would be £20,000, with about £6,000 for electric lighting, laying out of land, etc. The number of bedrooms proposed way 87. It was proposed to make the walls of stone, faced with timber and cement; the windows were very large, but he could not tell the window pressure, though according to his experience they would withstand the gusts of wind from the lake. They proposed to cater for the best class of visitors. He had only visited the Lake District five or six times, for two or three days at a time. He could understand that the Waterhead Hotel had a good deal more accommodation than was ever required. He had stayed at the Waterhead Hotel a few years ago, but it had changed hands since, and it was very different now. …. Application refused. [Lakes Herald - Friday 28 August 1891 page 5]
Reference Lakes Herald 28 August 1891 page 5