Standard Life Assurance Company Offices, King Street Manchester
STANDARD INSURANCE CO.'S OFFICES, MANCHESTER – This illustration shows the design for the new Insurance Offices which are to be erected in King Street, Manchester. A description will be given afterwards. The architects are Messrs. Clegg, Son and Knowles, of Manchester. [The Architect 8 March 1884 page 159]
THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDINGS. The new building, of which we gave an illustration in last week's number, will shortly be in course of erection in King Street and Pall Mall, Manchester. The building is designed in the French Gothic style, the two principal elevations shown being constructed entirely of stone, the base being formed of dark polished Shap granite, and the external steps in Castlewellan granite, with polished risers and nosings. The roof is to be tiled; the windows filled in where shown with ornamental lead lights. The joiner's fittings on the ground floor Will be executed in American walnut with ebonised mouldings, the ceilings being panelled in pitch pine, stained and varnished. Messrs. Clegg Son and Knowles are the architects, and Messrs. Robert Neill and Sons the contractors for the works, which are to be completed in fifteen months from date of contract, at a cost of £9,989. [The Architect 15 March 1884 page 177] -