Clegg Son and Knowles
Following the death of John Knowles in 1879, Charles Clegg continued on his own account for some three years before admitting his son, Charles Theodore Clegg into partnership. In the same year (Knowles) or in 1884 (Clegg) Frederick J Knowles was also made partner. By 1884 the practice had been re-named Clegg Son and Knowles. The partnership ended on 28 June 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between us the undersigned CHARLES CLEGG, CHARLES THEODORE CLEGG and FREDERICK JOHN KNOWLES carrying on business at 74A King Street in the city of Manchester as architects and surveyors has been dissolved by mutual consent as on and from the 28th day of June 1885. All debts due to and owing by the said late partnership will be received and paid by the said Charles Clegg and Charles Theodore Clegg who will in future carry on the said business at 74A King Street under the style of Charles Clegg and Son. Dated 12 August 1885. [Manchester Courier 22 August 1885 page 2]
Address : Town Hall buildings. 74A King Street Manchester