Building Name
Warehouse, 15 Newton Street, Manchester
1885 - 1889
Newton Street
Central, Manchester
GMCA, England
New Build
Converted to residential
A re-working of the design of 26 Princess Street with the tall chimneys fashionable c.1880. Typical example of the Manchester warehouse of the period with basement, raised ground floor and four upper floors, the top floor contained within a mansard roof. Simple elevational treatment to the sides and a more elaborate treatment to Newton Street. However, the design is not as fully resolved as the original which opens the possibility that this was the work of one of the junior partners.
In 1890 the building was occupied by John Barry Ostlere & Company Ltd of Kirkaldy, floor cloth and linoleum manufacturers. By 1895 part of the building was occupied by R G Parry, silk agents.